Recycled claim standard Ver 2.0 by Control Union
PINKCITY JEWELHOUSE P. LTD. conforms to RCS Ver2.0 from Control Union. [Nov 2022]
We are committed to meeting the needs of our customers who intend to increase their sustainability footprint by introducing products made with recycled brass, and for that we have worked our way to “Recycled claim standard Ver 2.0” from Control Union (CB-CUI-1202652).
RCS verifies the presence and amount of recycled material in a final product through input and chain-of-custody verification from a third party. Our recycled brass has excellent machinability, forgeability and high strength that is fit for jewellery and related product applications.
#FashionJewelry #CostumeJewelry #RecycledBrass #RecycledMaterials #RecycledMetal #Recycling #BrassScrap #MetalRecycling #Sustainability #ResponsibleProduction #ResponsibleJewellery #SustainableFashion #ControlUnion #PinkcityJewelhouse#UNSDG